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Classic car delivery in France

A while ago we were delivering a classic car for a client in France. After a long roadtrip we went through a little village. Navigation lost contact and we drove, village in, and out, in circles. The tempers ran a little high and finally we figured out that we were lost. We were still driving to see if someone could help us in the right direction. But, unfortunately nobody there to help us out. Until we past a small road, and our eyes got a glimpse of a remarkable sight. Of course, we know when we recognize a good thing. So, we turned again and with fresh curiosity we parked our car on the side.

What would designer Flaminio Bertoni have thought?

It seemed to be a French junkyard of solely Citroën DS's at first sight. It was time for us to do a little fishing expedition, and stepped out. It was hot. Outside the car it was stillness and calm. The heat kept the birds silent. The barns seemed closed for a long while. Nobody there. Imagine what the designer Flaminio Bertoni would have been thinking. A multiple repetition of his renowned design, arranged in a seemingly random manner. All same designs from one hand. Design, cardesign, cars. Cars sunken away in their hydraulics, but still keeping their characteristic iconic appearance. Also a series production car that combined: the most innovations in technical point of view, with in the perspective of design, the most forward looking design, together simultaneously. At the same time in one car, in 1955! That is said. It was a unique time, were the manager still had to be invented and masters and craftsmen could freely excel in their role as engineer and designer. A unique collaboration also, between the French aeronautical engineer André Lefèbvre and Italian designer Flaminio Bertoni. Bertoni, at the same time being a sculptor, it might even have inspired him. This impressive scenery of a field with resting goddesses. Or as the French say: déesse's.

Salut, et au revoir!

Was it because of the heat? Or because of the fact that we were delayed for our rendez-vous? We forgot to count the exact number of this grand scenery of classic Citroën's coming from the heyday of French culture. Definitely each piece, once cherished as the shining new possession by their proud owners. And each Citroën DS representing undisclosed histories for us as outsiders. Will these car's be cannibalized or are they waiting for better times? An what would be better? Using parts to keep the rest driving? Or would it be beter to restore them, with the consequence of scarce and expensive parts supply? We promised ourselves we will come back soon to figure out some more. Before we stepped in our car, all we could do is take a pair of pictures and go forward. It was hot! And still nobody there...... to promise us better times will be there ahead.


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